Tattoo Skin Care


Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash 


Tattoos have been a symbol of art, culture, and personal expression for centuries. From the ancient rituals of indigenous tribes to the modern inked generation, tattoos have evolved, embracing diverse meanings and styles. Today, we explore the intricate world of tattoos, focusing on their significance, aftercare rituals, removal methods, and crucial considerations for every tattoo enthusiast. So, are you ready to be ink-spired?

A Deeper Dive Into Tattoos

Tattoos, rooted in rich traditions, have become a canvas for self-expression. Originating from cultural rituals, they have transformed into statements of identity and artistry. Each tattoo etches a story on the skin, representing beliefs, memories, and passions. However, beneath the surface, a tattoo is a wound. Therefore, understanding its impact on the skin is essential.

Caring For Your New Tattoo

Caring for a new tattoo is crucial to ensure its vibrant longevity. Following these steps during the healing process is vital:

  • Day 1: Keep the tattoo covered and clean. Remove the bandage after 24 hours, gently wash it, and apply an antibacterial ointment.

  • Days 2-3: Continue washing the tattoo and apply ointment. Scabbing is natural, but avoid picking or scratching.

  • Days 4-14: Scabs will harden and flake off. Resist the urge to interfere. Moisturize the area and avoid sun exposure.

  • Long-Term Aftercare: Keep your tattoo moisturized, protect it from the sun, and refrain from picking or scratching. Tattoos, like skin, evolve over time, so cherish and protect your artistry.

Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal, an art in itself, offers diverse methods to bid farewell to past choices.  Let's explore these methods analytically together and empower yourself with knowledge to make an informed decision.

1. Laser
Picosure Laser vs. Q Switch

  • Picosure Laser: The Picosure laser is an advanced tattoo removal technology that operates in picoseconds, which is a trillionth of a second. This incredibly rapid pulse duration allows the laser to shatter tattoo pigment effectively. By breaking down the ink particles into smaller fragments, the body's natural processes can then eliminate them more efficiently, aiding in the removal process.

  • Q Switch Laser: On the other hand, the Q Switch laser utilizes nanosecond pulses, which are a billionth of a second. This laser releases powerful bursts of light energy. The technique involves holding back the light momentarily and then releasing it, creating a highly intense beam. The rapid and concentrated energy helps break down the tattoo pigment, making it easier for the body to gradually remove the fragmented ink particles over time.

Difference Between Picosure & Q Switch

The primary distinction between the two lies in their pulse duration. While Picosure operates in picoseconds, Q Switch operates in nanoseconds. The shorter pulse duration of Picosure allows for more precise and efficient pigment fragmentation, potentially making it more effective in certain cases. However, the choice between the two methods should be based on individual tattoo characteristics, such as size, colors, and the type of ink used, as well as consultation with a professional. Different studies have yielded varying results regarding their effectiveness, emphasizing the need for personalized assessment in selecting the appropriate laser method for tattoo removal.

2. Dermabrasion: This method involving the scraping away of the top layers of skin to eliminate tattoo pigments. During the procedure, an anaesthetic is administered, and the tattooed area is cleaned and frozen with substances like liquid nitrogen. A rotating abrasion brush is used to sand away the tattoo, often causing bleeding. Vasoconstrictors minimize bleeding, and after the process, an antibiotic burn cream is applied, followed by bandaging to prevent infection. Despite its effectiveness, dermabrasion may require multiple sessions and can lead to scarring, with costs varying based on tattoo size and quality.

3. Surgical excision: Also known as surgical removal, offers a more invasive approach to tattoo removal. This method is suitable for certain small tattoos, although larger ones might not be suitable for this technique. During the procedure, a dermatologic surgeon uses a scalpel to remove the tattoo and then closes the wound with stitches. Surgical excision is highly effective in eliminating specific tattoos, enabling precise removal of inked areas. This precise approach ensures targeted removal, making it a viable choice for individuals seeking accurate and efficient tattoo removal.

Risks & Considerations: Making Informed Choices

Tattoos and their removal involve risks. Infection, allergic reactions, and scarring are potential tattooing risks. Removal methods may cause pain, scarring, or changes in skin texture and color. Before deciding on removal or cover-up, factors such as cost, pain tolerance, and tattoo size and location should be carefully considered. Seeking advice from a skilled tattoo artist can guide you in making an informed choice.


Intimate Wellness